is an award-winning film director and author experienced in feature, documentary and commercial filmmaking. He is fluent in English, German and French.

reel: LOVE, GOATS and the TRUTH


Andreas Scheffer is an award-winning film director and author working across narrative, documentary and commercial disciplines. He has a passion for bold audiovisual storytelling and a soft spot for analog film, both in stills and moving images. Andreas' personal projects focus on microcosms and identity. His works have a precise and yet human look at people and characters, regarding not only at what they are, but also what they could be.

His 16mm documentary short Für einen Moment was rated highly recommended by the German Film Evaluation Office and was screened several times at ARTE’s Court-Circuit. Every Summer, in July has won the Souvenir Albert Richter, the award for the best racebike-film at the International Cycling Film Festival. Do you know how to do Intensive Care? received an Human Ressources Excellence Award in the film and video category. His films have been invited to film festivals all over the world, including Nextreel by New York Tisch School of the Arts, Steirischer Herbst, Duisburger Filmwoche, Dokumentarfilmfest Kassel and the New York Bicycle Film Festival.

Andreas has studied film directing at Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf and École Supérieure d’Audiovisuel in Toulouse (France). He graduated with the feature film LONG's SHOP (graduation with honors). Previously he has done an editing-internship at France3, a directing-internship for a TV movie at Hessischer Rundfunk/ARD. He has also been an assistant-cameraman for many years, done numerous shoots abroad, including eight times the entire Tour de France for the german television ZDF. Earlier, studies in Media Management at the University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden. He is also the founder of DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild, an agency for conception and production of cinematic corporate and commercial films.



- English subtitles available by clicking on 'CC' -
Souvenir Albert Richter for the best bikeracing film at the 17. International Cycling Film Festival, 3rd Prize at ST8 OF THE ART, International Super8 Competition, Filmfest Bremen. Official Selection at Bicycle Film Festival in New York, Amsterdam and London, Official Selection at Shockfest Film Festival, Official Selection at Lublin Film Festival, 3rd price at Open Screen / Wolf Kino Berlin, Finalist at EdiPlay International Film Festival, Nominée at Muzzle Film Festival, Best Editing Award at Monza Film Fest. Featured on: Kodak Shoot Film, Soigneur Cyclingculture Magazine,, Beyond the Short, Global Cycling Network, The Short Doc Club, Besenwagen Podcast.
Short documentary, 16 min, Super8, stereo. A production of DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild. Author, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Composer: Andreas Scheffer
EVERY SUMMER, IN JULY is a documentary short film, entirely shot on Super8 film. It is a diary-like stream of consciousness about working behind the scenes of the Tour de France. A collection of impressions working for the German TV network ZDF at the Tour de France. More recently transformed into a real short documentary, exploring with all senses what it feels like to be part of this well-oiled machinery.


Feature film, 82 min, DCP, 5.1. A production of Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Starring: Gábor Biedermann, Maryam Zaree, Hendrik Arnst, Justus Carričre, Gabriele Gysi Screenplay: Andreas Scheffer + Julia Hertäg, Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Editor: Hannah Schwegel, Production Design: Pegah Ghalambor, Costume Design: Rudi Scharff, Music: Rico Loop + Paul Milmeyster, Director: Andreas Scheffer
Jan, 30, son of a priest, is running a vietnamese grocery store as a stand-in, but he is having problems to assert himself against the regular customers. By Ella, 65 and stage actress, he comes in contact with acting. This has a lasting influence on him, even if he is forced to wear a cockroach costume, that he doesn't manage to take off any more.


Broadcasted several times on ARTE's Court-Circuit, rewarded with the mention highly recommended by the German Film Evaluation Office. Screened at Nextreel/New York Tisch School, Festival Intern. San Luis Cine/Argentinien, Recontres cinéma et sport/Montréal, Young Cinema Art/Warschau, Play-Doc/Pontevedra, Vittorio Film Festival Mecal/Barcelona, Le mois du film documentaire Arras, Independent Film Festival/Barcelona, Steierischer Herbst, Duisburger Filmwoche, Dokumentarfilmfest Kassel, Young Collection Bremen, Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, blicke/Ruhrgebiet, Contravision/Berlin, Cinepänz/Köln.
Cinematography: Jakob Seemann, Editor: Wiebke Grundler, Producer: Helga Löbel, Screenplay + Director: Andreas Scheffer. Short documentary, 9 min, 16mm, stereo. A production of Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.
ONE MOMENT IN TIME is the observation of a high dive. We see a professional diver in montage parallel with children at the age of six to ten years, who are about to learn high-diving. Situations of intense concentration change to moments of great cheeriness. But also fear plays a role. Soundwise a former high-diver remembers his feelings.


- English subtitles available by clicking on 'CC' -
Documentary mini series, 4 episodes ŕ 20 min, HD, stereo. Author: Andreas Scheffer Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Editor: Andreas Scheffer, Music: Tal Yadin, Director: Andreas Scheffer
TOUT LE MONDE ATTEND LE MAILLOT JAUNE (Everyone is waiting for the yellow jersey) is a documentary project about the spectators of the Tour de France in the countryside. The Tour de France has always been a celebration of the magnificience of its very beautiful rural areas. Against the background of the increasing urban-rural divide the look into a world, that metropolitans have difficulties to imagine and find very desirable at the same time, is exciting in many respects. -> Project website

no foto!

Short film, 5 min, 35mm, stereo. Screened at Fresh Film Fest/Prague, In the Palace/Balchik/Bulgaria, FILMZ/ Mainz, Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival, Shorts at Moonlight/Hofheim. A production of Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Starring: Tobias Kasimirowicz, Adolfo Assor, Screenplay: Björn Bethke + Jan Schneider, Cinematography: Björn Bethke, Production Design: Jan Schneider, Costume Design: Claudia Rössler, Editor: Lale Özdönmez, Music + Soundmix: Florian Marquardt, Producer: Christine Rau, Assistant Director: Hervé Carriou, Director: Andreas Scheffer
A guide shows a charismatic statue to a group of tourists. Unfortunately he doesn't allow them to take photos. The tourists are disappointed and one of them comes back after a few minutes.

commercial films


Client: Atemzug - Intensive Care, Agency: DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild.
The intensive care service Atemzug orients its work particularly to the well-being of its patients and its employees. Even vegetative state patients are permanently simulated by communication and sensual stimuli. And this leads to visible progress. Now Atemzug is looking for additional employees, that pursue their job with a similar passion and want to be part of an extraordinary team. The film was awarded with the Human Ressources Excellence Award 2022 in the film & video category. 42.000 views (facebook unique visitors), 107 commentaries, 812 reactions, 218 shares and reached about 70% women at the of 25 – 54 in Brandenburg = exactly the target group.
Starring: Daniel Brockhaus, Petra Friedrich, Marianne Graffam. Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Screenplay + Director: Andreas Scheffer.


Client: Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg, Agency: DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild.
The ILB has convincing arguments for themselves in Employer Branding, but younger target groups are quite demanding concerning their video consumption. How could the entertainment factor in respect to the ILB be maximized? The following shortcut led to an interesting path: the ILB is a bank. Banks usually have money. Money is attractive to many people. Some people would simply like to take it with them. How does that relate to the ILB? This plot outline did offer many possibilities to carry the idea further.
Starring: Gábor Biedermann, Juliane Willauschus (ILB).
Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Screenplay + Director: Andreas Scheffer.

School of the special people - die Bildungspartner

Client: Die Bildungspartner, Agency: DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild
What motivates educators in their work, why do the love what they do? This is the subject of this six-episode mini-documentary series for the Berlin agency 'die Bildungspartner'.  What's the actual job of educators at a special needs school? The School Am Breiten Luch in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen is gathering children, who have above all difficulties to learn. For many children a special needs school is a chance to experience themselves in a positive way and thus to find their way into society. Working at a special needs school challenges the educators in several ways many times per day. This is why a dedicated team of great personalities is needed that manages to create little 'magic moments' every day. -> More about this project
Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Screenplay + Director: Andreas Scheffer

DKMS Physicians Team Cologne - Match!

Client: DKMS, Agentur: DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild
In Employer Branding the DKMS has a significant purpose factor, because saving lives is pretty relevant. But for the Cologne DKMS physicians team four other EVPs (Employer Value Propositions) are just as important: 1. working on par with the colleagues, without scrubs and complex hierachies 2. not just real teamplay, but truly learning from each other 3. flexible work (as opposed to physicians in most hospitals) and: 4. Cologne! The creative task here was to describe the link between these four points are and then how to transport the message. In conversations with the physicians team it became clear that the DKMS in its core is a huge permanent matching-process: day in and out everything is tried to find matching donors for the patients. And in the same way the physicians team is looking for new matching colleagues! This is why this became the central metaphor of the film.
Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Screenplay + Director: Andreas Scheffer

Promoting Brandenburg - ILB

Client: Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg, Agency: DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild
The business promotion bank in the federal state of Brandenburg (ILB) is promoting projects in the branches of economy, labour, infrastructure and housing construction. The five projects in the film show what this can be like and which role the ILB has had in that. The aim of the film war built trust to future clients. Aside from transporting a strong feeling for Brandenburg the authenticity of the portrayed customers was very important.
Cinematography: Gernot Bayer, Screenplay + Director: Andreas Scheffer


Client: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Commercial for the Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. The Cinematographer is filming the actress under water, until she gets out of breath. Shot on Super16 film stock at 50, 75 and 100 images/second. Filmed through an underwater window in a public Berliner swimming pool. 200k views on Youtube.
starring: Johanna Geißler + Eddie Irle, Cinematography: Jakob Seemann, Music: Enis Rotthoff, Screenplay, Editor + Director: Andreas Scheffer.


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Andreas Scheffer
andreasscheffer [at]
+49 160 91706428

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